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Writer's pictureAlena

Initiation is Only the Beginning...


A word that so many grasp after, and yet so many don’t fully realise.

Many people look to initiation as the end goal, the accomplishment or certificate, the “I’ve made it”.

When in truth initiation is only the beginning.

Like the word itself, to initiate, we are reminded that an initiation is beginning of something. Not the place of arrival but the very first steps.

Initiation is when we are invited to fully put both feet on the path. But we have to be the one to walk it. With commitment and devotion.

Like many fantasy ideas around marriage, the marriage between lovers is not the end of the work, it is actually the beginning of our most holy and sacred work.

Walking a sacred path is not so different. The initiation welcomes us to walk the path. It asks for our full commitment and devotion. But it is also the beginning of our most holy and sacred work.

Because once we say YES, the path itself will shape us to be able to walk it into mastery. To be able to hold and share the gifts of it. To be a clear vessel for the energies of this universe to move through us.

And that means being faced with many challenges. Many discomforts. Many more meetings with the sword of truth. Many ruptures to the reality we think we live in. But like, that’s the point. That’s the journey.

Like in marriage, you are being invited into your own highest evolution so you may step into union with the divinity that wants to create through you.

It’s easy to say oh I have received the initiation. I am good. I am it now. I have the thing. But it’s truly not that simple. And the path was never that easy.

Just like the word itself, the journey has only been initiated. It has only just begun.

Initiation is an organic process of the soul that is always seeking to align itself to nature’s law and cosmic intelligence: one of harmony and evolution. One of cycles of death, rebirth, creation, and dissolution.

It is the experience of letting go of who we thought we were so we may step into our truth and soul’s path in service of the greater whole.

We learn to reawaken the powers of life and creation within us and around us.

We enter into a conscious relationship with that which is always here, ready to guide us into our own magic.

We remember how to weave and integrate spirit and prayer into matter and meaning for the world around us.

We remember who we were born to be.

The work I do with people is by nature initiatory. It offers them the experiences needed to make themselves available to life itself. And they receive that which they are ripe for.

It brings them back to the guidance of the soul so they may have a direct experience with the spirit in all things. Gnosis, or direct experience, is the initiation of life itself. It’s when life strips us of what we thought we knew, and rebirths us into a more authentic beingness. We make ourselves available to it.

We learn the tools and practices along the way that allow us to meet, digest, and embody the blast of direct experience.  So we may continue to evolve and walk our gifts into reality.

Anyone who has worked with me knows that I don’t make you it. I will never turn you into "the thing". I open the portal for you to step into and receive the direct experience from the universe yourself that you are ripe for.

Some people don’t like that. They want bite sizes handed to them and the work predigested for them. They want me to give it to them, do it for them, fix it for them. They want to just do more medicine or seek more peaks. They want me to feed and serve their stories, not their highest potential.

But my spaces are where stories come to die, to be alchemised into power and medicine, so you can become that highest potential.

I don’t work otherwise because serving the need of where the ego currently is robs us of the opportunity to serve your highest self. It robs you of your sovereignty and the possibility of reclaiming your power. And it will never offer the true experience of initiation, transformation, and becoming who you were born to be.

We make space for the organic process to happen on its own.

Because that is what initiation is: an organic process of the soul's communion with the cosmic intelligence and evolution of Life and the universe itself.

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