The world has taught us to ignore our intuition, to silence our voices, to numb our bodies, and to fear our power. But women are waking up. The time has come to heal, reawaken, rise, and rebirth the world.
Do you feel this too? We are living in an epoch shifting era on Earth where Gaia herself is reawakening through the bodies and psyches of women and humanity.
For too long have the inorganic and synthetic faux-power structures that be moved through the world with greed, disempowerment, destruction, and disembodiment. For too long have these forces been parasitic to life on earth.
But we are waking up.
Even in just the last decade there has been a seismic shift in the consciousness of humanity. Women who are feeling called to deepen their connection to nature, the earth, their bodies, and one another.
So many are drawn to earth-based shamanic and spiritual traditions that are encoded with the templates of life but also the unifying feminine principles of interconnectedness, relationship, harmony, and that which is organic, regenerative, and life giving.
This is because the humans who have chosen to be born during this epoch shift are bringing in a new wave of consciousness, medicine, and gifts that will usher in the rebirthing of a new earth for all.
If you have been feeling this tug, back to earth, to nature, to body, to spirit, then you have a vital thread to weave into this new tapestry we are here weaving together.
We are the medicine we have been waiting for.
As we reawaken our relationship to body and earth, we heal, reclaim our power, step back into our nature of creation, and lead this life from a greater vision. This is the great work of our time.
Do you also feel this?
Gaia is calling to us to remember who we truly are.
If you feel called to deepen into this work join one of our journeys:
Our Web of Offerings are woven of evolutionary shamanic medicine and rooted in the depths of the feminine realms.
🌹The Red Tent: an online lunar gathering and sister circle for magical women. Only $33/month
🐍Serpent Medicine: a descent into the dark womb of feminine alchemy. A 3 month online shamanic journey and medicine container to reconnect you to earth, your body, and reawaken your alchemical powers of healing and renewal.
🧜🏼♀️Into the Mysteries: a Feminine Mysteries Retreat in Greece, May 2025
🌵1:1 Shamanic Healing Session. Healing, Clarity, Medicine Ceremony, Energy Tracking. Online and in person.
🌚 Earth Medicine: Bespoke Online Medicine and Mentorship Journey that realigns you to the forces of nature and cosmos and to the truth of who you were born to be.