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Writer's pictureAlena

Truth and Hard Pills to Swallow

Something I’ve learned again and again is that most people think they want the real thing, but really they don’t.

This is probably because most people would never know the real thing when they see it. Because Truth is a feeling, it’s a frequency, it’s not a visual or an idea.

And most people who are looking for something, touch Truth and they recoil.

Because Truth is uncomfortable. It’s Real. It’s uncompromising. It just is.

Truth doesn’t need to prove itself. It doesn’t need fancy words, decorations, or anything else. It really just is.

Truth is an undercurrent we tap into. Or we don’t. It’s a frequency we embody and let move through us. Or we don’t.

Most people think they are looking for Truth, or the real thing, the real deal. But what they’re actually looking for is the crumbs Truth leaves when it’s passing through.

They are looking for the expression of, the reflection, or the illusion of Truth. But most people are not actually looking for the real thing. For Truth itself.

Why? Because it’s hard. Because Truth, obviously, never lies. It never bends to your whims or ideas or comforts or preferences. It never arrives in the package you want it to.

Most want something convenient and comfortable. Something digestible and extractable. Truth isn’t convenient nor comfortable.

But Truth also isn’t digestible, nor easily assimilated. We must arrive to Truth ready for Truth, prepared. Otherwise we can’t digest, we can’t assimilate, and instead it may ruin us. Because Truth doesn’t arrive in feathers, it arrives as a Sword.

And most of all, no one wants Truth because it’s the biggest responsibility of your life. To see, hold, breathe, and live Truth.

Most people don’t want to take responsibility. At least not to the degree that Truth demands. As long as we’re unwilling to take responsibility, we cannot pass further. Everything else is untethered to reality.

It’s much easier to chase the illusion of Truth, the trail of crumbs, than to meet it. Eyes wide open.

Because Truth will destroy your world. It will destroy your life. It will ask everything, but it will also give you everything.

That’s another place humans are funny, that what we want the most is that which we spend most of our lives avoiding.

Once you see truth you can never unsee it. Once you feel it it guides your whole reality. And maybe this is why most people don’t really want it even if they think they do.

Because there’s no going back.

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